The future



” We don’t inherit the land

from our parents,

we borrow it from our children.

Antoine de Saint Exupéry

How can agriculture reinvent itself to meet the major challenges of our time, those of the planet and its citizens?

Our solution, inspired by natural ecosystems, allows us to envisage a regenerative, living and exciting agriculture, an agriculture controlled and biologically enriched by microalgae.


gaspillage alimentaire


10 million tons

of foodstuffs are wasted

in France every year

This waste emits 15.5 million tons of CO2 equivalent, whereas we should consider it as a source of raw material to produce an alternative source of energy and natural agents to stimulate agricultural crops.



Local actions and activities limit

the impact of human activity

on the environment.

The intervention of EASY, in radii of 30 to 50 km, has no impact in terms of polluting logistics.

The principle of micro-methanization development is to ensure that fermentation generates much less CO2 than large methanization units; on the other hand, the CO2 emitted is recovered to be injected into the culture medium of the microalgae.

dechets 2

Zero waste


By recovering waste

we transform everything.

  • The gas emitted is recovered into an alternative energy source;
  • The CO2 resulting from the separation of the biogas is injected into the microalgae culture basins;
  • The solid residues of the methanization are transformed into organic amendment;
  • The liquid residues make up the microalgae culture medium;
  • The harvested algal biomass is used as a plant biostimulant.
algues grs plan



42,000 farms engaged

in organic farming, i.e. 2 million hectares,

the 3rd largest in the EU.

Inspired by the natural functioning of ecosystems, farms are developing in a more local, autonomous, sustainable and resilient way, while respecting living organisms and the environment.

The products developed by EASY facilitate this approach.