
A galaxy of skills
that has been working for eight years
for the benefit of the environment
EASY operates in a collaborative mode combining solid expertise in plant chemistry, technical and biological engineering, agronomy, marketing and institutional and scientific relations.

Christine Grimault
General Director

Pierre Tauzinat
Technical Director
An R&D program
of more than 4 million euros.
EASY is part of the continuation of work conducted within a ‘cleantech’ company which, backed by partnerships with leading scientific institutions, has developed and proven the technology for recycling bio-waste using bacteria and microalgae cultures.
In addition to funding technical and scientific programs, this investment has made it possible to finance a pilot facility in the United Arab Emirates, in a large area consisting of stud farms and a farm.
This installation in desert sand produces daily: biogas for the kitchens, electricity, and an algal biostimulant that enables various crops to grow successfully in the desert sand while resisting water stress and providing them with all the nutrients they cannot find in arid soil.


Prospects of
new developments
EASY can enter in to and conclude collaboration opportunities with agricultural and wine institutions, agronomic and food industries if these partnerships allow the development of new specific products based on microalgae for such or such category of crops.
Obviously, these projects must be in line with our production imperatives to improve the quality of crops, while respecting biodiversity, microfauna and human health